Hey the fucking first issue is done. I've been working on the second issue od D.I.E. for a while now, and i'm also working on a horror zine called "WALKING CORPSES in shabby dresses". You can get them both at my distro below.
-http://deadintheend.tripod.com-the Webpage

Above is the pic. of a darby Crash, lead singer, and songwriter for L.A. punk band The GERMS. They hated the imgae of Hollwood, so they made a band...Sophistifuck and the Revlon Spam Queens, after figuring out they didn't have anough money to write that many letters on a shirt, the name of the band was changed to Germs...
-An R.I.P. Epitaph dedicated to Darby will be in the #1 issue of D.I.E., if you have pictures, poems, essays, random words on Darby or the Germs, send it to me and I'll add it in the zine.
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This is the cover to the #1 issue |
PLEASE HELP SUBMIT! Send me your poetry, short stories, essays, artwork, ramblings, reviews, pictures or absolutely anything you want to share with the world.